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Welcome to our British Directory service. This directory is derived from the British component of the DMOZ directory. The DMOZ Directory project was the largest human edited directory on the planet. The DMOZ directory
project is not currently being actively maintained however there is an active archive site. Even though the sites listed in the directory are not being updated, I still believe the archive has utility
and many of the listed sites are still active on the net. I believe it is unfortunate that they stopped actively maintaining the project as I think it was an excellent world wide directory of websites.
Top : Devon : Dartmoor
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All Around Dartmoor - Dartmoor information, geography, history, images gallery and the Ten Tors event.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
Bike Dartmoor - Provides details of mountain biking holidays and guided tours.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
Dark Mother Wood - Explores the mythology, history and legends of Dartmoor.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
Dartmoor Archive - A digital image archive providing resources for research and education.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
Dartmoor Changes - Project to raise awareness of the significance of bell ringing to the customs and traditions and cultural heritage of identified communities within the Dartmoor National Park.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
Dartmoor Firing Ranges - Regularly updated firing ranges safety information for walkers provided by the Ministry of Defence.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
Dartmoor Gifts - A small collection of gifts and products.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
Dartmoor Hill Pony Website - The project's aim is to investigate and raise awareness of the importance of the Dartmoor Pony in the National Park.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
Dartmoor Letterboxes Club - Includes information about 'letterboxing' on Dartmoor and a map, also offers catalogue of letterboxes.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
Dartmoor Livestock Protection Society - The Society helps ponies, sheep and cattle in distress on Dartmoor or in the markets where they are sold. Includes guidance on emergency help and gift catalogue.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
Dartmoor Magazine - Summary of current issue, books on Dartmoor and subscription arrangements
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
Dartmoor National Park - The official site for the park, with seasonal guided walks programme and a selection of fact files covering various aspects of Dartmoor life, history and forward planning.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
Dartmoor On-line - Includes descriptions of the area's towns, tourist attractions and accommodation. Includes events diary, maps and travel information.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
Dartmoor Perspectives - Information and photographs documenting moorland life and history.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
Dartmoor Pony Society - The Society promotes the breeding of pure Dartmoor ponies. Details of stud book, shows, history of the breed and membership arrangements.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
Dartmoor Rescue Group - Four moorland rescue teams. What they do and how to join.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
Dartmoor Tinworking Research Group - DTRG - Studies and explores the tinworking and tin mining heritage of Dartmoor. Includes events diary, membership, projects and newsletter.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
Dartmoor Walks - Documents moorland walks. Includes photographs.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
Focus on Dartmoor in Devon. - Pictorial information on where to stay, local attractions, and history, compiled by a local professional photographer.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
Landscape Leaps - Dartmoor Interactive Virtual Tour - Interactively enjoy the view from 96 locations across Dartmoor. Discover names, grid references and altitudes. Includes free demo.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
Legendary Dartmoor - Dartmoor legends, folklore, history, mystery and traditions by Tim Sandles. Includes bibliography.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
Moor Trees - Encourages areas of the moor to return to forest wilderness. Involves the local community and the wider community in wilding, ecosystems, land management and forest regeneration.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
Nic Randall - Collection of moorland photographs. Images are available for commercial distribution.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
Ten Tors and Jubilee Challenge - Official team and challenge information, includes merchandise, lost and found equipment and registration form.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
The Dartmoor Society - Aims to promote the human, cultural and historical aspects of the area. Details of events, campaigns and membership arrangements.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
The Haytor Quarries & Granite Tramway - Geological, archaeological and historical overview of the quarries and track. A reconstruction and chronology of the track and quarries.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
Virtually Dartmoor - Interactive virtual tours combining 360� panoramic photographs, the spoken word and archive photographs.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
Walking Dartmoor - Offers walks, history, folklore and safety advice for those using the moor.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
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