Directory of England

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Welcome to our British Directory service. This directory is derived from the British component of the DMOZ directory. The DMOZ Directory project was the largest human edited directory on the planet. The DMOZ directory project is not currently being actively maintained however there is an active archive site. Even though the sites listed in the directory are not being updated, I still believe the archive has utility and many of the listed sites are still active on the net. I believe it is unfortunate that they stopped actively maintaining the project as I think it was an excellent world wide directory of websites.

Top : Kent : Society and Culture : History
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  • 17th Century Kent Tokens - Lists halfpenny and farthing tokens issued in the county, with some illustrations. (Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
  • Cumberland Lines - Line of fortifications built in the 18th and 19th centuries to defend Chatham dockyard from a landward attack. Also old Medway stations, Chislehurst caves, Jezreel's Tower, Fort Lizard and Fort Clarence. (Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
  • East Kent Maritime Trust - Aims to promote and raise awareness of the maritime and associated heritage of East Kent through its museums, publications, conferences and special events. Includes Ramsgate Maritime and Margate Seaside museums, ships, events and news. (Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
  • Here's History Kent - Offers historical information on parishes and towns across the county, provided by Kent County Council. (Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
  • Historic Kent - Focussing on the counties history, its towns and villages. (Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
  • History of Health and Medicine in Kent - A Kent NGfL project for schools by Ian Coulson which looks at health and medicine in the county since prehistoric times and the creation of the NHS. (Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
  • Kent - Gazetteer of Markets and Fairs - Historical details of markets and fairs in the county to 1516. Includes sources. (Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
  • Kent Archaeological Society - Includes membership details, who's who, newsletters, lecture programmes and society records. (Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
  • Kent Underground Research Group - Research into the origins, use and history of the many subterranean features of the county and surrounding regions. Includes a guide to sites, bibliography and membership information. (Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
  • Underground Kent - Features photographs, plans and descriptions of ex-military tunnels, Napoleonic fortifications, and smuggling, industrial and other underground tunnels in the county. (Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
  • White Cliffs Underground - Describes ex-military tunnels, fortifications, underground works and coastal defences in the county. Includes photographs, maps, plans and descriptions. Also features several French sites. (Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )


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The Tower of London, England, United Kingdom, UK Stonehenge, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire, England, United Kingdom, UK The British Museum, London, England, United Kingdom