Directory of England
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Welcome to our British Directory service. This directory is derived from the British component of the DMOZ directory. The DMOZ Directory project was the largest human edited directory on the planet. The DMOZ directory
project is not currently being actively maintained however there is an active archive site. Even though the sites listed in the directory are not being updated, I still believe the archive has utility
and many of the listed sites are still active on the net. I believe it is unfortunate that they stopped actively maintaining the project as I think it was an excellent world wide directory of websites.
Top : London : Society and Culture : Organisations
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Age Concern London - Providing information about Age Concern London's work, including campaigns and publications, raising awareness of issues affecting older people in the capital.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
Aston-Mansfield - Based on the merger between Aston Charities Trust Ltd and Mansfield Settlement, the Aston-Mansfield mission is to develop the community wealth of East London and promote a diverse and inclusive society in which all are free to participate. Site contains the charity's history, information about the centres, and details of the Community Involvement Unit, set up to help community and voluntary groups.
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Brick by Brick - Charity fundraises, builds and lets housing to the homeless. Details of projects, accounts and donation form.
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Broadway - A pan-London non profit organisation providing services such as accommodation, advice, training, education, healthcare and support to those at risk of being or who are homeless in London.
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Cardinal Hume Centre - Based in the Victoria area of London the Centre helps needy families and young people from the surrounding boroughs, especially with a view to avoiding homelessness.
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Danish Society London - A mailing list for Danes living in London.
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Eaves - Provides housing and support to vulnerable women, and also carries out research, advocacy and campaigning to prevent all forms of violence against women. Information about activities, job and volunteer vacancies, and contacts.
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Field Lane - Christian charity that is committed to providing innovative accommodation and day-centre support services for families who are homeless, for older people and people with disabilities.
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Groundwork London - Environmental regeneration charity. Promotes economic and social regeneration by improvements to the local environment.
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Hutchinson Foundation - Charitable organisation founded to provide financial support for male teachers from Afro Caribbean origins, promoting positive role models.
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Junior League of London - Working in partnerships the Junior League of London provides practical help and support for families in need.
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Keniston Housing Association - Keniston is a housing association which operates in London and the South-East providing affordable rented homes. Includes information about the association and their properties.
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Kids Company - Organisation working therapeutically with vulnerable children and young people. Operate support projects within schools and also from their centre in Camberwell.
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London 2600 - 2600 affiliate; focuses on computer and telecoms security. Includes meetings information and reports, events listings, merchandise, and news.
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London Action Trust - A charity dedicated to breaking the cycle of offending to create safer communities. Information about their programmes, projects, and partners, and an annual report.
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London Couples - London branch of AME, dedicated to helping all couples to improve and build on their relationships.
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London Irish Network - Social club. Includes about, events and how to join.
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London Mobile Christmas Service - The service operates a mobile food, medical and clothing service for London's homeless and vulnerable over the Christmas holiday week. Site contains information for volunteers and sponsors, and homeless London links. Seasonal content.
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London Olympian Speakers Club - Toastmasters International, and public speaking in Kensington.
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London Rehabilitation Workers Forum - Brings together professionals to encourage and develop innovative ideas and ways of working, to improve rehabilitation services for people with visual impairment.
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London Safeguarding Children Board - Provides strategic advice and support to London�s 32 Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs). Includes information about their structure, initiatives, and resources.
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London Tari Club - Founded by a group of friends as a forum for social interaction amongst busy professionals, intellectuals and socialites from different disciplines and business backgrounds.
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London Thames Gateway Development Corporation - The corporation has been assigned the task of delivering vibrant and sustainable communities in the London Thames Gateway, making the area a destination of choice for living and working in the capital.
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London Thames Gateway Forum - Umbrella organisation involved in the regeneration of the London Thames Gateway area. News, campaigns, events and reports.
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London Topographical Society - A charity publishing books and sheet material illustrating the history, growth and topography of London. Membership, publications, newsletter, events.
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London Vegans - Promote veganism in the London area, includes details of events, about and links.
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Metropolitan Gardens Association - Charity offering modest grants for the preservation and improvement of public gardens and neglected areas across London.
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New Helvetic Society - Swiss Cultural Society and Link Club for Swiss nationals living abroad, based in London, aimed at providing events and social gatherings for Swiss citizens living in and around London.
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North London Campaign for Real Ale - Includes a list of branch pub awards, branch diary, newsletter, and local beer festival information.
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North London District - The Oddfellows - Society of people who combine together for mutual assistance, providing social, financial and practical support for each other. About and branches.
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Pod for Children - Provides entertainment in children's hospitals across the UK. Details of entertainers, testimonials and contact.
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SHRC Discussion Boards - A forum about human rights and politics in Syria.
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Soroptimist International Central and South West London - A worldwide organisation for women in management and professions working through service projects to advance human rights and the status of women. Online club calendar, programme statements and project information including participation in the National Missing Persons Helpline.
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Straight Talking: Peer Education - UK charity hiring teen parents to raise the awareness of problems with teen pregnancy. Includes courses, information for schools, teen mothers and fathers, exploding the myths and contact information.
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Survivors Fellowship London - A self-help group of adult male survivors of child sexual abuse. Information about their meetings, and a listing of resources.
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The London Legal Support Trust - Supports the work of voluntary legal centres in social welfare law with funds raised from the commercial legal sector.
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Toynbee Hall - Works to relieve need and to address the causes of poverty and distress, with special focus on the East End of London. Charity information and activities, conference programme, employment and volunteer opportunities.
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UK Punjab Heritage Association (UKPHA) - Fosters the appreciation of the Punjabi heritage in Britain and the preservation of endangered items of the Punjabi material heritage. Details of lectures across England.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
West London Network - Support and develop voluntary sector partnerships and projects across West London.
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits: )
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