Add Your Site to Our Search Engine

Enter your search query in the box below.

  • To submit a site to this search engine you must comply with the following:
  1. This is an British search engine. Your site should be British oriented.
  2. Sites containing explicit adult oriented material or those promoting violence etc. will not be indexed.
  3. To add your site to our search engine, we require:
    • a reciprocal link which entitles you to free submission. Follow the preceding hyperlink and select suitable html to place on your site. Place it on a page (such as a links page) of the site being submitted.
  4. We only index your home page or front page. This means people are not inundated with multiple pages from many sites. Everyone gets one page in the index. Our spider collects information from your pages Title, Description, Keywords and page content.
  5. We do not index free sites such as geocities or tripod. Your url should be the root url such as and not a page within a larger site. (Exceptions will probably be made for tidy looking business oriented sites).
  6. All sites are checked so please comply with these requirements.

* Denotes a required field .

* Your Name
* Your E-mail
* Page Containing Reciprocal Link
* Your Site Url
Additional Comments:

The Tower of London, England, United Kingdom, UK Stonehenge, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire, England, United Kingdom, UK The British Museum, London, England, United Kingdom